Saturday, May 30, 2009

These photos are from the day we brought Nelson into our family. My mom crept into my room really early and got into bed with me like it was Christmas morning and whispered into my ear "Wake up! We're getting a puppy!"


Nelson's parents!

It was really sad when we drove away with Nelson. I knew he was scared and didn't know where he was going. Fortunately, he pulled an epic prank on the ride home to let us know he'd be okay. Nelson was sitting in Mary's lap and I was petting him when it suddenly reeked of shit. We thought he just farted but he actually took a big dump on Mary's lap! She freaked out and we had to pull over so she could take off her pants and sweater put them in trunk. We all had a good laugh afterwords. Even Mary, she was a good sport about it.

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